Tired of hearing the same old "write an ebook and start an affiliate program" advice? It is about time you try something else better and more productive, because in 5 minutes, you are going to...
Discover How YOU Can Increase Your ebook Upsells, Your Own Expert Status, Your Own Quality Leads, And Residual Income Explosively Just By Using Simple resale rights Products!
Find Out Why YOU Are Cheating Yourself Out Of A Better Solution And How You Can Use resale rights Products To Be The Next Big Guru And Not The Next Newbie Disaster Story!
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Inside "Residual Income Success Secrets" you will discover:
- The resale rights concept and plan for ebook authors.
While resale rights is a broad topic by itself, I want you to see that the rules are different for resale rights ebook authors and resellers.
In a nutshell, resellers focus on marketing therefore they acquire resale rights products to Resale in order to skip the product creation process. On the other hand, ebook authors have to undertake the product creation work and equipping the resellers.
I reveal to you the entire resale rights profits plan and concept, leaving no more guesswork for you.
- The 4 money making centers.
Find out the 4 ways you can make money from your ebook with resale rights, some of which you don't know so well or that can't be accomplished if you went ahead to start a regular affiliate program to sell your ebook.
- All of what you need to get started!
Find out all of what you need to get started on your serious resale rights business and where to get them for free to low cost!
- How and what a savvy Resaleer thinks.
Elite resellers are individuals on the look out for quality, in-demand products to Resale and keep all the profits to themselves. You need to know how they think and analyze their "investments" before making a purchase and investing their own effort and sweat equity into marketing them.
Know how they think and you will know how you can go about making your resale rights program attractive like a Resaleer's magnet!
- How to write your ebook.
While this can fall under info product creation, I describe to you how you strategically architect your ebook thus making it high in quality and attractive to your resellers. I also describe to you why your ebook should be in PDF Format rather than .EXE format.
- How to architect your resale rights terms and conditions.
A lot of product authors goof up this part, and I show you how not only can you avoid discovering the same mistake, I highlight the TOP 10 questions you must answer well in your resale rights terms and conditions plus I detail to you my own insights and strategies so that it can be in your favor rather than against you!
- What to equip your resellers with.
You don't want to give them any excuse not to Resale your ebook. Equip them to the fullest because their main concern should be marketing, marketing, marketing.
Find out what you need to prepare for them in detail in my manual and how you can gain an edge over other product authors simply by adding a few different components to your Resaleer Materials Pack, which I bet you might have not even thought of!
- How to prevent your ebook from getting devalued.
Most resale rights products have very low "life span" online due to huge mistakes in marketing and product creation. I reveal to you some of the most important factors you should be aware of that can be responsible for putting your ebook in the E-graveyard too soon.
- Where to look for resellers in the masses.
Find out where to look for resellers in masses and how you can get your product to them!
- How to earn back-end income, quality leads and gain more exposure.
I show you how you can achieve all of the above, even if your resellers are selling as many copies of your product and keeping all the profits to yourself. To learn why this is the case and how you can achieve this, get a copy of my manual now!
- And much, much more!
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the "Resale Rights Masters Volume I" ebook to your customers and build a list at the same time?
You'll be able to give away the "Resale Rights Masters Volume I" ebook to your customers and build a list of your own to mail your own offers to at the same time. You'll get the "Resale Rights Masters Volume I" ebook, a squeeze page just like this one to give the "Resale Rights Masters Volume I" ebook to your customers, and a complete video tutorial showing you how to set this squeeze page up on your own site and build a list at the same time!
Not only are you going to get your hands on some of the best secrets and strategies to making money with affiliate marketing, but your also getting a complete system to build your own list to make money from, and it's not going to cost you a single penny...
To get your hands on the "Resale Rights Masters Volume I" ebook, the give away package, and complete video tutorials showing you how to set this all up for yourself, just enter your name and email address below, and it will instantly sent to your email address...
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*EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Results are not typical. Your results may vary. We make no claim that you will earn any income using this tool whatsoever. Where specific figures are quoted from individuals there is no assurance you will do as well. You must assume the risk that you will not earn any income from this product.