Adobe AIR 2.6 SDK README FILE ======What's included in the SDK====== The AIR SDK includes this Readme.txt file and the AIR SDK license.pdf file, which contains the Warranty Disclaimer and License Agreement for the Adobe AIR SDK. The AIR SDK also includes the following directories: BIN - adl (adl.exe on Windows) - The AIR Debug Launcher (ADL) allows you to test an AIR application without having to package and install it. - adt (adt.bat on Windows) - The AIR Developer Tool (ADT) packages your application as an .air file for distribution. FRAMEWORKS - A libs directory that contains the following AIR frameworks: - AIRAliases.js - Provides "alias" definitions that allow you to access the AIR runtime classes from Javascript. - airglobal.swc - Provides the core AIR API used when compiling SWF content. - AIRIntrospector.js - Assists in AIR application development, allowing you to inspect JavaScript properties, view the HTML DOM, and view source files at run time. - AIRLocalizer.js - Assists in developing localized (multi-language) versions of in HTML-based AIR applications. - AIRMenuBuilder.js - Assists in creating menus in HTML-based AIR applications. - AIRSourceViewer.js - Lets users view source files in an AIR application. - applicationupdater.swc - Provides Flex-based AIR applications with a framework for assisting in managing application updates. - applicationupdater.swf - Provides HTML-based applications with a framework for assisting in managing application updates. - applicationupdater_ui.swc - Provides Flex-based AIR applications with a framework for assisting in managing application updates. This version of the framework provides a default user interface. - applicationupdater_ui.swf - Provides HTML-based applications with a framework for assisting in managing application updates. This version of the framework provides a default user interface. - servicemonitor.swc - Provides Flex-based AIR applications with an event-based means of responding to changes in network connectivity to a specified host. - servicemonitor.swf - Provides HTML-based AIR applications with an event-based means of responding to changes in network connectivity to a specified host. - aircore.swc - Provides Flex-based AIR applications various additional API, including service monitoring. - aircore.swf - Provides HTML-based AIR applications various additional API, including service monitoring. - A PROJECTS directory, which includes source files for the AIR application update framework and for the service monitor framework. LIB - adt.jar - The ADT executable file, which is called by the adt file (or adt.bat on Windows). RUNTIMES - The AIR runtime - The runtime is used by ADL to launch your AIR applications before they have been packaged or installed. SAMPLES - descriptor-sample.xml - A sample application descriptor file. - badge - A directory containing sample files for the AIR seamless install feature, which lets you distribute an AIR application directly from a web page. - icons - A directory containing the default AIR application icons. TEMPLATES - Descriptor.1.1.xsd - An XML Schema Definition file for the AIR 1.1 application descriptor file. - Descriptor.1.5.xsd - An XML Schema Definition file for the AIR 1.5 application descriptor file. - Descriptor.1.5.1.xsd - An XML Schema Definition file for the AIR 1.5.1 application descriptor file. - Descriptor.1.5.2.xsd - An XML Schema Definition file for the AIR 1.5.2 application descriptor file. - Descriptor.1.5.3.xsd - An XML Schema Definition file for the AIR 1.5.3 application descriptor file. - Descriptor.2.0.xsd - An XML Schema Definition file for the AIR 2.0 application descriptor file. - Descriptor.2.5.xsd - An XML Schema Definition file for the AIR 2.5 application descriptor file. - Descriptor.2.6.xsd - An XML Schema Definition file for the AIR 2.6 application descriptor file. - descriptor-template.xml - A template of the application descriptor file, which is required for each AIR application. ======iOS Target Support====== If you have downloaded a version of the AIR 2 SDK that supports packaging iOS targets, additional files will be included. The following files and folders in the AIR 2 SDK contain the tools that enable you to compile AIR applications into .ipa files for iOS devices. LIB - AOT - Directory containing the files necessary for the AOT (Ahead of Time) Compiler used by ADT ======Getting Started with the AIR SDK====== 1) Build your source files using the editor of your choice. Arrange them as you would on a web server, in a single folder with relative references. 2) If you are using the AIR APIs in JavaScript, include a