Supporting China National Standard – GB 18030-2000:


This document provides additional information for the product’s Readme file with regard to GB18030-2000 support in Acrobat product features.


What’s new and improvement in terms of supporting China National Standard GB 18030-2000:


·         Portfolio feature in Acrobat 9 is supported by Platform and Navigation modes. To preview text file contains GB18030 characters, Platform mode is recommended (#1730058 fixed).



·         PDFMaker could not support GB 4-byte characters in its UI in the previous release. The issue has been fixed in this new release  (#131523 fixed).


·         PDFMaker for Macintosh is not included in this release


·         In the previous release a problem was reported when using Search with a single character in the CJK Extension A block. This was due to incorrect background indexing. The indexing mechanism has been enhanced and this issue is resolved (#1152345 fixed).


·         In the File Metadata Information dialog, the new FileInfo library in Acrobat 9 is able to display GB 18030 characters properly in XMP panel (#1590900 fixed).





·         Acrobat is software that can be installed and runs on Windows. Limitation of supporting GB 18030 standard platforms will limit the functionality of the product.


·         MS “Notepad” on Windows does not support 4-byte GB 18030 encoding characters. It is suggested that PDF should not be created from a raw text file with 4-byte GB 18030 characters via Notepad.


·         Acrobat handles all text as Unicode (supports surrogates too) and the application uses system APIs for displaying the text in the UI. If there is any specific problem with text rendering, it may be an operating system limitation.


Known Issues


·         Paper Capture provides OCR recognition for most GB2312 characters (over 4200 characters). These characters are specified by an OCR engine which is supplied by a third-party company.


·         Flash Player 9.5 is used to support Acrobat and Reader 9 new feature PDF Portfolio. Portfolio feature in Navigation mode as known as Flash mode. The current Flash Player 9.x version does not fully support for display, input and edit GB18030 characters appropriately on Windows OS (#1750974) and on MAC OS (#1763303).


The workaround is to set Platform mode with GB 18030 support instead of using Flash mode on Windows and Mac OS when invoke Portfolio function. The process is


1.      Edit->Preferences->International;

2.   Choose "GB18030 compatible font" in Select Font drop-down list;

3.   Quit Acrobat and re-launch Acrobat


·         The menu item Comments > Comment View > Show by Reviewer can not display 4-byte GB 18030 characters. This is the same feature with Review & Comment (tasks toolbars) > Comment View > Show by Reviewer. It displays with white boxes or dots in the Reviewer list. This UI is not respecting the preference setting for UI fonts (#1327934).


There is a workaround for this problem. The problem is a font selection for this part of UI. The font is SimSun instead of SimSun-18030. You can change this OS default font from SimSun to SimSun-18030 by following operation:


1.      Start menu > Control Panel > Display > Appearance > Advanced

2.      Set Item='Menu' and font='SimSun18030'


This problem does not occur on Vista because Vista OS font contains GB18030 4-byte characters through Unicode support.


·         When selecting a text string in PDF and editing (insert or replace) it with a 4 byte characters, these characters in Pop-up Text Edit display as “?” (#1752641). This problem occurs when trying to populate the Extension A characters into the Text Edit Pop-up.

There are two workaround solutions:

1.      Remove the “?” in pop-up edit box, and retype character 


2.      Select a text string in PDF first, and then select Replace Selected Text or Insert Text At Cursor from drop-down Text Edits menu to open the edit box. And now, input any 4-byte characters.


·         If the plain text file has a mixed of 2 & 4 byte characters in the filename, PDF cannot be created. (#1749671) To create PDF from plain text file, the recommended filename should have either 2 or 4 byte characters.