Our Mission:
1) Restore federal, state, and local governments to their respective roles in compliance with The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, and The Bill of Rights as understood and intended by the framers in the founding documents themselves along with peripheral writings such as "The Federalist Papers" which add clarity to the intent of the founding fathers.
2) Restore the basic god given right of self-determination to all races and pursue policies that; a) provide for the longevity of all races and cultures, b) deny no person pride in their own race, culture, heritage, or religion, and c) acknowledge the failure of multiculturalism/multiracialism, and that this failure is rooted in its contradictions to human nature and basic god given rights, such as the right of self-determination which precludes any race from being subordinate to another in their own country.
3) Organize in order to; a) Advance our interests legally under the current system. b) Create a network of support for the dark days that clearly lie ahead of The U.S.A. c) Ensure that the last era of American exceptionalism lies somewhere in the future, not in the past.
Our Revolutionary Approach:
We are applying the principles of 'MLM' or 'pyramid selling' to organizing without any of the downside aspects of the concept, (greed and personal relationship abuse), since we are not selling anything. Membership can be free or up to $5/month, but selling products to people is not our goal. Our goal is to organize people. Our platform is intended to distill the underlying issues to their very roots, thereby eliminating the confusion and distraction caused by the mass of superfluous, lesser, and resultant issues. This approach cuts across many opposing points of view on non-essential issues and offer solutions with the understanding that the current system seems to be beyond repair or adjustment and that the probability of a systemic collapse in the next few days, weeks, months, or years is very high. Additionally, to insure that we have a potent voice in the aftermath and that the rebuilding of government is undertaken upon the original foundation.
How to Save America:
There are two ways to make rank in SFA; by the purchasing rank/membership you desire or recruiting new members. Any active member who recruits 9 or more new members for the group will be promoted with dues waived to the rank of Sergeant, 16 or more; to Lieutenant, 62 or more; to Captain, 300 or more; to Lt. Colonel, and so on. But you don't have to recruit all of these new members yourself. If you recruit a person, and then that person recruits someone; you both get full credit for the new member. There are certainly significant enough numbers of like-minded Americans out there who are ready to restore the freedoms and the way of life that made America great. But will we do it? Will you?