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We strongly encourage all to network with other members whenever possible for any and every purpose. We will make every effort to provide a means of doing so. There are articles and videos composed by ourselves and others we feel are particularly insightful. These pages are added to often. Click on the "Supplies" button and access free downloads of many valuable SHTF books. There are also links and advertisements that have been carefully chosen by us to help you find the best quality and deals on SHTF items. We will be adding to the site on an ongoing basis, so check in often!

Membership Information

Two Basic Types of Memberships

Sustaining Members

Sustaining members are basically donors who believe in our mission and support our work through their membership dues, but being an active member does not fit into their lives at present and any rank held is honorary. When you complete the membership form either active or sustaining must be selected.

Active Members

Any month in which you recruit 2 or more new members, your dues are waived. We are not here to make a profit, only to organize. Anyone who joins before the end of 2011 will also be designated as a founding member. Active members will take part in a huge variety of endeavors from recruiting and administrative tasks to militia training and special purpose units. If you have any valuable skills you would like to make the most of, please inform us on the membership form.

Member Rank

Trooper (TPR)

Membership dues for 1 month. Rank of SFA Trooper.

Sergeant (SGT)

Membership dues for 1 year with appointment at the rank of SFA Sergeant in the position of Squad Leader.

Lieutenant (1LT)

Membership dues for 1 year with appointment at the rank of SFA Lieutenant in the position of Community Leader.

Captain (CPT)

5 Year membership with appointment at the rank of SFA Captain and if available in the position of Commanding Officer of your (smaller) home city or town.

Major (MAJ)

8 Year membership with appointment at the rank of SFA Major and if available in the position of Commanding Officer of your (larger) home city.

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC)

12 Year membership with appointment at the rank of SFA Lieutenant Colonel and if available in the position of SFA Metro Commander of your home major city or metropolitan area.

Colonel (COL)

20 Year membership with appointment at the rank of SFA Colonel and if available in the position of SFA County Commander of your home county.

Brigadier General (BG)

Lifetime membership with appointment at the rank of Brigadier General (1-Star) and if available in the position of SFA Deputy State Commander of your home state.

Major General (MG)

Lifetime membership with appointment at the rank of Major General (2-Stars) and if available in the position of SFA State Commander of your home state.

Lieutenant General (LTG)

Lifetime membership with appointment at the rank of Lieutenant General (3-Stars) and if available in the position of SFA Regional Commander of your home region (Notheast, Southeast, Middle West, West, or Southwest).

General (GEN)

Lifetime membership with appointment at the rank of General (4-Stars) and if available in the position of SFA Eastern Commander (Northeast, Southeast, and Middle West regions) OR SFA Western Commander (West and Southwest regions including Alaska and Hawaii) depending upon where you reside.


The efforts made by this organization are paid for primarily by its official members and donors. If you believe in our mission, please aid in our efforts in any way you are able. A monetary donation of any size is exponentially appreciated and put to most efficient use. You may do so by clicking the "Donate" link. If you are able to donate time, materials, supplies, resources, or anything at all that will enable us to subsidize, sustain or secure our people through the very difficult days that are very nearly upon us, please send us a message by clicking on the "Contact" button. If you would like to join the group, just click on the "Join" link to get started. Thank you for your continued support!